How Does Electric Fly Trap Work?

electric fly trap


An electric fly trap works by attracting flies with a UV light and trapping them to a sticky board; it is pretty simple. A typical electric flycatcher consists of a fluorescent ultraviolet tube light that attracts any flying insect and a sticky board that traps them as soon as they make contact.

It is often an annoying scene when insects intrude on your personal space because some of these insects can be more of a nuisance than you can endure. But of course, it is not very easy to keep some insects like flies away from your home, and we know that allowing them to roam freely is not an option either.

Well, you should look no further than electric fly traps to solve this problem, and this article will explain how this unique technology works.

What is an Electric Fly Trap?

An electric fly trap, or a bug zapper as it is also known, is an electronic device used to control the activities of flying insects in a specific place. Of course, there are other fly control methods, but you would struggle to find any that is almost as effective as this fly-killing machinery. It does go down as another immense technology input, as it has certainly proven to be the best solution for flies and other insects.

electric fly trap

The working principle of electric fly traps is what makes them most appealing. Do you know that you can choose to either trap or kill the flies that this device attracts? This impressive technology can also cover a wide area, strongly attracting any flying insect that intrudes its zone.

Components of Electric Fly Traps

Bug zappers ideally consist of different components classified into two primary parts. Each component functions as a contributing unit and builds up to make the trap very effective. The parts of an electric fly trap include;

  1. UV Light: This part of the device attracts the insects away from your home and lures them into the trap. Flies and similar insects are often drawn to light, so electric fly traps utilize ultraviolet lights to maximize their effect.
  2. The Trap: This part dishes out punishment on the intruding bugs. Depending on the model, it can either trap or kill the insect immediately. Sticky boards firmly grip them and ensure they do not escape, while electric grids issue an instant judgment by electrocuting the insect.
  3. Collection Tray: The beauty of electric fly traps is that they do not make a mass even after a mass kill. They are designed with a collection tray at the base that neatly collects each dead insect for better disposal.

The UV lights are barely visible to the human eye, but they can attract bugs from 6,000 Sa/Ft. You can also utilize multiple electric traps if you wish to cover a bigger space.

Best Places to Position an Electric Fly Trap

It is not wrong to conclude that the placement of your electric fly trap determines its functionality because the position of this device can duly affect its potency.

Hence, you must ensure that your bug zapper is strategically placed to be fully effective.

electric fly trap

Here are some factors to consider when installing this device to ensure you get the positioning correctly.

  • Visibility: Fly killers are often placed inside the house depending on the use. But it would be best to place it where it won’t be visible from outside the house. This is because a gathering of bugs attracts more bugs, and you do not want the flies outside to want in too. Remember that there are only so many insects your buzzer can trap.
  • Height: Flies and other flying insects often only reach a height of about 6 – 8 feet, so your insect killer should be placed within this height range. This is a no-brainer, as it will automatically boost the effectiveness of your electric fly trap.
  • Food Area: Well, it goes without saying that the food area should be protected from contaminations of any sort. That said, you know it would be improper to place your trap above your cooking or dining area. Not only does it expose your food to insects, but you also risk having insect corpses fall into your dinner.
  • Most Effective Positioning: There is no fixed area for placing an electric insect killer because different houses have different designs. But it has been proven that the door area can be a pretty ideal spot. Placing the device between your house’s entrance and food area lures insects away from your food and intercepts flies coming into the house.

Other Basic Tips for Fly Control

  1. Proper Waste Disposal: Disposing of your leftover food and trash correctly will help avoid foul smells in your home. But most importantly, it can limit the number of bugs attracted to your home.
  2. Keep Your Home Clean: Most insects are often attracted to dirt and smell. Therefore, keeping your house clean gives you one less problem.
  3. Eliminate Stagnant Water: Stagnant water may be most associated with mosquitoes, but it can also attract other flying insects. Ensure that the surroundings of your home are free of stagnant water, and your house will be less appealing to insects.

Are Electric Fly Traps Harmful to Humans?

It has always been a concern for most new owners if this device affects humans. Of course, these concerns are expected, considering how lethal this device is to its target. But owners can rest assured that humans do not risk any direct threat from the electric fly trap.

However, your food is likely contaminated if you place your trap close to cooking or dining areas. This is because some bigger insects may explode after making contact with the insect buzzer.


In addition to the nuisance that flies make once they get into your space, they are notorious for transmitting infectious diseases. Therefore, you are expected to keep them away if you don’t want to be affected by their rather unwanted services.

Electric fly traps can be a very effective ally in your quest, and this article has highlighted how this exceptional device works.