5 Fascinating Facts About Flies

facts about flies


Since we’re easily approaching the fly season, let’s learn a little bit about these pesky critters. Here are five fascinating facts about flies that you may not have known. 

Enjoy! (And don’t forget to keep your house clean – flies love dirty environments!)

5 Fascinating Facts About Flies

Fly Fact #1

House flies make their home in filth.

House flies are notorious for their fondness for filth. If you live in a filthy, disgusting environment, you can be certain that house flies will be present. But why do they have such a thing for filth? One reason is that the smell of rotting food attracts house flies. 

Another reason is that house flies require warm, moist environments in which to lay their eggs. And what could be hotter and drier than a heap of garbage? 

facts about flies

House flies also prefer areas where there are a lot of other insects. House flies are attracted to the smell of bacteria, and where there are a lot of other insects, there are bound to be a lot of bacteria.

So, if you want to live somewhere clean and pleasant, you should probably avoid areas where house flies congregate.

Fly Fact #2

Walking upside down.

Flies can walk upside down. This is not a typo or a misprint. These insects are one of the few insects that can walk upside down. They accomplish this by gripping surfaces with their legs and propelling themselves forward with their wings. 

facts about flies

House flies can also fly upside down, though they aren’t as good at it as they are at walking. It is thought that when house flies walk or fly upside down, they are attempting to avoid predators or escape from small spaces.

However, there is still a lot of mystery surrounding these creatures’ upside-down habits. Whatever the reason, it is clear that house flies can move in any direction, even if it means walking on the ceiling.

Fly Fact #3 

Flies poop a lot.

Flies are not the most welcome of guests. They buzz around our heads, land on our food, and generally just make a nuisance of themselves. But did you know that these pesky pests also play an important role in the ecosystem?

facts about flies

They consume both solid and liquid waste, which they then excrete as fertilizer. In fact, a single house fly can produce up to 24 droppings per day! 

And if you thought their poop smelled bad, think again. A fly poop is actually teeming with bacteria that can cause food poisoning and other serious illnesses. This may not be the most pleasant of facts, but it does highlight the important role that these creatures play in nature. 

Fly Fact #4

Where are people – there are the houseflies too.

House flies are annoying little creatures that appear out of nowhere. They are attracted to food and garbage, and they multiply quickly. 

However, where do these house flies come from? House flies can be found almost anywhere people congregate. They’re particularly common in kitchens, restaurants, and other places where there’s a lot of food.

House flies, interestingly, do not have houses. They instead live in communal nests made of soft materials such as fabrics and feathers. These nests can be found in a variety of places, such as trees, bushes, and even inside homes.

facts about flies

But why are house flies drawn to humans? While the exact reasons for their preference for humans are unknown, there are a few theories. One theory is that house flies are drawn to the heat emitted by our bodies. 

Another theory holds that house flies are drawn to the carbon dioxide we expel. House flies and people, for whatever reason, just seem to go together. Of course, this isn’t always a good thing. Because house flies are known to spread disease, it’s critical to keep them away from food and other areas where they could contaminate it. 

Still, it’s fascinating to speculate on what’s going on inside a house fly’s mind when it appears to be zeroing in on us.

Fly Fact #5

Flies are pretty young insects.

Flies are among the world’s youngest insects. They first appeared on Earth around 100 million years ago, around the time dinosaurs did. 

They are successful because of their ability to adapt to changing environments. They can fly long distances and survive in a variety of temperatures. House flies have a high reproductive rate, which has aided in their rapid spread around the world. Except for Antarctica, house flies can now be found on every continent. 

facts about flies

Flies are still considered pests in many parts of the world, despite their global distribution. They are drawn to the garbage and other food sources in people’s homes. As a result, people frequently go to great lengths to eliminate house flies. 

However, due to their incredible adaptability, these insects continue to thrive.

Final Words

So the next time you see a fly buzzing around your house, remember that it’s more than just an annoyance. These fascinating creatures have some amazing abilities and play important roles in the environment. 

If you are dealing with flies in your house, check out our guide on effective repelling strategies that will help you.

Thanks for reading!