What Attracts Flies?


Do you prefer cold winter evenings or warm summer days? The chances are you would go for the latter; most people do. In fact, in summer days are longer and you can spend more time with your children, family, and friends. You can have barbecues in the evenings and relax with your friends in front of a glass of wine.

Life is actually cheaper even cheaper in summer… In winter, in fact, if you want to have fun or go out, you need to spend money on restaurants, theatre tickets and the like; on the other hand, in summer you can just go for a long walk in the park, go to the beach if you live near the sea or have a picnic in the mountains or by a river!

Enjoying the open air and all that nature has to offer has to be one of the greatest pleasures of summer. There are flowers and butterflies, fruit is fresh and delicious; you can actually feel people’s good humor in the air… But there is something else in the air that is nowhere near as pleasant as good vibes: flies! What attracts flies to your home?

Oh, yes, little warbling and buzzing flies that suddenly seem to appear from nowhere just as you thought you could relax and enjoy yourself with no hassle. In most temperate regions, flies disappear during the cold month, but they become a real nuisance in summer, especially if where you live gets pretty warm.

In some places, famously in Australia, files are such a major irritation (because there are so many) that people have invented all sorts of things (including somewhat peculiar hats) to get rid of them.

So, if you are now facing a fly problem, you have come to the right place to know why this is and what you can do about it.

Things to Know about Flies


There are many species of flies in the world, in fact, it is a large family of insects, technically an order called Diptera which are present on almost all continents of the globe with the exception of Antarctica.

There are an incredible 125,000 species of these insects! They are famous for their eyes, with a very ample vision, their way of flying (they are very quick and can even do 90 degree turns, something no airplane or bird can ever even dream of doing – not that plane actually dream…).

Some flies are dangerous insofar as they carry disease. In particular, they can infect people with:

  • Dysentery
  • Cholera
  • Leprosy
  • Typhoid fever
  • Anthrax
  • Tuberculosis
  • Tularemia

And many other infections, in fact, scientists and medical doctors have counted 65 diseases that can be carried by flies. However, unless you live in areas like some African countries, the chances are that if you have flies in your house, you do not need to worry about the scary list of diseases we have just seen, as most houseflies and fruit flies are totally harmless.

Nevertheless, having them buzzing around can be a real pain. So, what can you do if your home has suddenly been filled with these little flying creatures? The first thing you will need to know is what caused it, i.e. what attracts flies into your home. Once you know that, you can start solving the problem.

What Attracts Flies into People’s Homes?

what attracts fruit flies - soft drink cans

There are a number of factors that contribute to making your home an attractive place for flies to live in.

Once you know these factors, you can start making some changes in your home, lifestyle, chores, and routines which will make your dwelling less appetizing for flies.

So, which are these factors?

  • Where you live; warm places are favourites with flies. Ok, this is surely a factor you cannot change; you can hardly be expected to move hone because there are a few flying insects visiting you every day… Still, it is good to know that the climate is an important factor. Note too that flues are also very common in places with cold winters but warm summers; so, you do not need to live in the tropics to expect a fly problem…
  • Old buildings are more likely to attract flies. This is not because they have a flair for quaint and homes or architecture, but because when walls deteriorate, they tend to become good burrows for mice and rats. Once the little rodents die and putrefy, the carcasses can be used by flies to lay eggs. In fact, as maggots, flies need meat and decomposing organic matter to feed on.
  • Rubbish bins or garbage cans left full for too long or with no lid. If your local authority is not very regular or frequent when it comes to collecting rubbish, you will be more likely to have flies coming to your home. This is because the strong smell of rotting and fermenting organic matter attracts them, as they can smell it from a very far distance and what is loathsome and even disturbing to us spells food and feasting to these flying insects.
  • Dirty drainage pipes. If you have pipes which are filling up or keeping rotting material in them, the flies will again find them very attractive as feeding places or occasions to lay eggs.
  • Fermenting food. Things like fruit and some vegetables (well, they are fruit, but we count them as vegetables, like tomatoes etc.), once they go off, start fermenting. This means that the sugar starts turning into alcohol. The smell this process is utterly irresistible. So, avoid leaving fruit around once it is starting to go off. Either eat it up, if it is still good, or dispose of it.
  • Open soft drink cans and bottles. Flies have a sweet tooth (not literally, they don’t actually have teeth!); if they smell sugar, they will fly to it as fast as lightning. So, always finish or empty your soft drink cans and bottles.
  • Animal feces and manure. We said that flies find what we deem repulsive to be attractive for them… Notoriously, they like poo, especially if warm and moist. So, if you have pets, make sure that you clear up after them and if you have a garden and keep a manure heap, keep it as far from your windows as possible. In case also put plants they find irritating like basil, lavender thyme and mint (basil especially seems to be unbearable to flies) on your window sills.

Now, of course, some things cannot be changed, and the other tips you have just had can only reduce the number of flues in your home. But is there a solution to your fly problem?

Read on and you will find out…

How to Send Flies Packing

fly repeller

To start with, forget about using poisonous sprays; to start with, there is no need to kill flies to get rid of them.

Secondly, these poisons are no permanent solution; you will only kill some flies, but with their reproduction rate, they will soon come back (even immediately).

Finally, poisons in the same air you, your family, your friends, your pets, and above all your children breathe… well, I don’t even need to finish this sentence. So, what is the solution? The answer is ultrasounds. These are waves (all sounds are waves) at a frequency higher than 20,000 Hertz; they are called so because humans cannot hear them. But flies can!

So, if you produce ultrasounds that flies find annoying, they will simply leave!  But how can you produce such sounds? Well, you can’t; even the highest notes of a soprano do not reach that frequency, but fortunately, technology can! Ultrasonic Fly Repeller does just that! This technological wonder can simply annoy your flies so much that they will find your home an impossible place to stay.

How does it work? Actually, all you need to do is place Ultrasonic Fly Repeller on a wall or in a cupboard, switch it on and then relax; it will start producing ultrasounds that fly hate and you cannot even hear. No need for chemicals, swatters, sprays, etc. it is both simple and efficient.

How long will it take? This is just amazing; Ultrasonic Fly Repeller will give you a permanent solution to your fly problem in only 48 hours! Yes, you heard me right. This piece of innovative technology is so effective that you will never see a fly in your home two days after switching it on. Actually, most people find that the results are visible even faster, and flies get going as soon as you switch it on… So, the manufacturers have decided to offer a full money-back guarantee if you do not get rid of the flies in your house within 48 hours.

There is an extra perk if you use Ultrasonic Fly Repeller; it will also get rid of other pests, like mice, bugs mosquitoes, etc. Yes, one solution and one little machine for all your summer problems (and winter ones too).

Now, the question I can hear you ask… How much does it cost? Well, actually it comes cheap, which does not mean it is not high quality, on the contrary… The fact is that even if you buy sprays etc. to try to get rid of flies (we have seen that this does not work) in the long run, as you will need to keep pumping poison into the air (you and your children breathe!) you will end up spending quite a lot, also in terms of time. Instead, Ultrasonic Fly Repeller is usually sold at $59.97 and it has sold very, very fast. However, right now, it is sold at a whopping 50% discount, and it can be yours for only $29.97!

So, are you still worrying about your fly problem? I don’t think so…