Repelling Flies: 7 Scents That Flies Hate

scents that flies hate


It’s that time of year again when the pesky flies start buzzing around your head. You can try to swat them away, but they always seem to find their way back. And no matter how many times you spray bug repellent, those flies just don’t seem to go away. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. 

We’ve put together a list of the seven best scents that repel flies. Keep reading!

Why You Should Repel Flies?

We all know that flies are annoying. They buzz around our heads, land on our food, and generally make a nuisance of themselves. But did you know that flies can also be dangerous? Here are three good reasons to keep them away from your home:

1. Flies carry diseases. They can pick up germs from garbage and sewage and then spread them to humans and animals. Some of the diseases that they can transmit include typhoid fever, cholera, and dysentery.

2. Flies are dirty. They land on everything, including your food. This can contaminate your food and make you sick.

3. Flies are difficult to get rid of once they’ve infested your home. They reproduce quickly, so it’s best to prevent them from taking up residence in the first place.

How To Repel Flies: Scents That Flies Hate


If you’re one of the many people who are bothered by flies, you may be wondering how to use eucalyptus to repel them. 

eucalyptus - scents that flies hate

Eucalyptus is an effective natural insecticide, and its strong fragrance can help to keep flies away. To use eucalyptus oil as a fly repellent, simply add a few drops to a diffuser or spray bottle and enjoy the outdoors without being bothered by these pesky insects. 

You can also try adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to your lotion or shampoo to help keep flies away from your skin. However you choose to use it, eucalyptus oil is an easy and effective way to keep flies at bay.


Citronella is a natural oil that’s often used in candles and mosquito repellents. It’s also an effective way to keep flies at bay. 

citronella - scents that flies hate

Simply combine equal parts citronella oil and water in a spray bottle and spritz away. The strong scent of the citronella will repel the flies, and the water will help to dilute the oil so it doesn’t damage your surfaces. So ditch the flypaper and give citronella a try – your summer will thank you for it.


Cinnamon is not just for flavoring your coffee or baking your favorite desserts. This sweet-smelling spice can also be used to repel pesky flies. 

cinnamon - scents that flies hate

Just sprinkle some cinnamon around your house, and you’ll see a dramatic decrease in the fly population. Not only is this an effective way to keep flies away, but it’s also much cheaper than buying chemical insecticides. Plus, it smells a whole lot better! 


Rosemary is a versatile herb not only adds flavor to food but can also help to repel flies. 

To use rosemary as a fly repellent, simply simmer a pot of water on the stove and add a handful of rosemary leaves. The potent smell of rosemary will fill the room and help to keep flies at bay. 

rosemary - scents that flies hate

You can also place fresh or dried rosemary around your home in areas where flies are likely to congregate, such as near doors and windows. And if you’re feeling really creative, you can even make your own fly-repelling candles using rosemary essential oil.


Mint is a strong-smelling herb that flies can’t stand, and it’s easy to grow in your garden or keep in a pot. You can also buy mint oil at most health food stores.

mint - scents that flies hate

To use mint as a fly repellent, simply rub some leaves on your skin or clothing, or put a few drops of oil in a diffuser. You can also place sprigs of mint around your home or patio, or make a minty fly spray by combining mint leaves with water in a spray bottle. 

If you’re looking for a natural way to keep flies away, give mint a try. It’s effective, easy to find, and best of all, it smells great!


Pine oil is a potent insecticide, and its strong scent can help to mask the smells that attract flies. 

To repel flies with pine, simply add a few drops of oil to a bowl of water and set it out in areas where flies are a problem. 

pine - scents that flies hate

You can also make a fly repellent spray by mixing 1 part pine oil with 10 parts water. Just be sure to keep your DIY fly repellent out of reach of children and pets, as pine oil can be toxic if ingested. 

With a little effort, you can keep your home fly-free all summer long – without resorting to harsh chemicals.


To use lavender as a fly repellent, simply place a few sprigs of fresh lavender in a vase or jar. The flies will be attracted to the fragrance of the lavender, but they won’t be able to get inside the container. 

lavender - scents that flies hate

You can also make a fly-repelling spray by combining lavender essential oil with water in a spray bottle. Just mist the spray around your home or patio to keep flies away. 


While we can’t promise that this will keep all the flies away, it couldn’t hurt to try some of these repellents at your next picnic or outdoor event. And if you really want to make sure those pesky flies stay away, combine a few of these smells for an unbeatable fly-repelling aroma! 

Have you tried any of these smells to repel flies?