Essential Oils Fly Repellent: Prepare a Homemade Fly Repellent


Getting rid of flies may sometimes force you to use fly repellents. However, most of these repellents are laden with chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Luckily, there are several natural options that you can use to repel the flies even as you care for mother nature. 

Essential oils, for instance, are great for the environment, gentle on the skin, and effective in repelling flies. If you are a lover of nature, here is an article on preparing homemade repellent with fly repellent essential oils.

What are Essential Oils?

Simply put, essential oils are the chemicals within plants that give them their smell and essence. They can be extracted from the plants and distilled to make pure essential oils which you can use for various uses.

There are over 90  basic essential oils that you can choose from. When mixed with others or even alone, some of them can make excellent fly repellents.

Essential Oils Fly Repellents

There are several plants whose essential oils naturally repel flies. Here are some of them;


Flies generally hate the smell of cinnamon. However, its fresh smell will give your home an excellent feel, so you may want to consider it as a fly repellent.


Cloves have a strong smell that will repel flies whenever you spray them in your house.

However, some people detest this smell. If the smell of cloves does not sound enticing to you, you may want to avoid this essential oil altogether.


Whether it is in the form of basil plants or essential oils, basil works wonders in repelling flies from your home. What’s more, basil has a refreshing smell that you will love.

Mint, Lavender, and Marigold
essential oil fly repellent

Mint, lavender, and marigold also make excellent repellents.

You may even plant them in your garden so as to get a more constant supply.

With these growing in your compound, you will not have to worry much about flies.

Citronella, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Lemongrass

These essential oils are beneficial for general household activities and make the best repellants while leaving a wonderful scent in your home.

Making Essential Oil Fly Repellent

Depending on how you intend to use your repellent, there are several ways you can prepare it. 

  • One or Two basic essential oils.
  • Small tin that has a cover.
  • Dish-sponge or a small piece of cloth.
  • Witch hazel or vodka.
  • Apple cider vinegar.
  • A spray bottle.
  • A small vial.
  • Carrier oil.
  • Gloves
Preparing an Outdoor Repellent

If the flies you want to get rid of are in your compound, this is the best way to prepare your outdoor essential oils to fly repellent;

  1. Gather all your necessary supplies. For this repellent, you will need a blend of your favorite essential oils and a carrier oil to diffuse the scent into the air. You will also need a small tin with a lid, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, two tablespoons of vodka (or witch hazel), and a dish sponge. 
  2. Next, blend your favorite essential oils. Choose the oils that have great repellent qualities and blend portions of each of them. Alternatively, you can use 100 drops of the same essential oil. Be sure to choose the strongest.
  3. Mix your essential oils with the vodka and vegetable oil in a bowl and stir evenly until they are mixed. You may consider diluting the essential oils to allow them to diffuse into the air before they evaporate. If you intend to use it twice, you should add ½ a teaspoon of vodka to the mixture.
  4. Pour the mixture on the dish sponge until it is saturated, place it in the tin and add the rest of the mixture into the tin. Close it up and leave it for 24 hours.
  5. Open the lid anytime you need a repellent and place it in the middle of the patio table. Depending on the size of your compound, you may want to make as many repellents as possible.
  6. Remember to replenish your repellent from time to time by adding essential oils to it or preparing a new batch.
Preparing a Spray Repellent

If you want a spray that will work on your body and keep flies from landing on your skin, this is the process you will need to follow;

  1. Gather all the relevant supplies for this spray. These may include ½ cup of witch hazel, 30-50 drops of your favorite essential oil, and ½ cup of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a clean, empty spray bottle. Remember to dilute the essential oil since undiluted oils may cause skin sensitivity.
  3. Shake the mixture as well, as you can then spray the formula on your body. Let it dry naturally. You can spray yourself from time to time to make it effective.
Preparing a Repellent Rub

Repellent rubs are particularly helpful if you need extra skin protection from flies and even mosquitoes.

  1. Gather the products you will need. For a rub, you may want to use tea tree, eucalyptus, or lavender oils. However, you will have to dilute them with carrier oils before using them on your skin. 
  2. Add 12 drops of essential oil to your carrier oil. Mix to make an even solution, then store it in a small vial. 
  3. Apply the repellent to your skin. 

Finding the Perfect Oils

Although all essential oils that we have mentioned here work to repel flies, you should experiment with them to find out which one works best for you. While some people find the smell of lavender calming and refreshing, others may consider it unbearable.

how to repel flies

The best thing is to use different oils and gauge their effectiveness before you stick to a particular one.

Also, remember that some of these essential oils may trigger allergic reactions in your body. So as soon as you start using new essential oils, be on the lookout for any allergic reactions that you may encounter.

As you prepare your repellent, have it in mind that essential oils can be very hostile to the skin if undiluted. So you may want to always wear your gloves any time you handle them directly.

Go Natural Today!

As you strive to keep your home fly-free, it is important to mind the environment around you. Chemical repellents may be harmful and even toxic to your body if you come into contact with it. The best thing to do is to use the natural essential oils that you have made for yourself!

We hope this has been an enjoyable article and you have learned all you need to know to prepare a fly repellent. If so, please share it with your family and friends, and remember to leave additional tips on fly management in the comment section below.