All You Need to Know About Yellow Fly

yellow fly


The name “yellow fly” refers to a dozen distinct species of yellow-bodied biting flies. The majority of these flies can be found in the south-eastern United States. They are found in New Jersey, Texas, the Bahamas, Mexico, and Costa Rica. 

As a Tabanidae family member (Diachlorus Ferrugatus), the female fly is the main inflictor of pain. Whereas, pollen and nectar are the main sources of nutrition for males. 

Yellow flies are one of the most dangerous flies in the world. They bite aggressively.  Their bites are painful, itchy, and can cause prolonged pain in some cases. These flies have a physical appearance that is strikingly similar to that of deer flies. This makes identification difficult.

Physical Characteristics of Yellow Flies

Adult yellow flies are yellowish in color and vary in length from 1 to 1.2 cm. Their hind legs are black, while the other legs are yellowish-grey. Their wings are transparent and contain a brown colored patch at the wings’ tip

Yellow flies have a yellow hairy abdomen with a black stripe and dazzling blue-green eyes.  Two purple patches around the head accompany the green eyes. However, during the larvae stage, these patches are white. Female yellow flies can be distinguished from other flies by the little space between their eyes. 

Habitat of Yellow Flies

yellow fly habitat

Yellow flies prefer a warm, humid climate. The afternoon time is when these flies are most active. Yellow flies have an aquatic habitat.

These flies prefer to congregate in shaded, wet locations, such as the borders of forests, rivers, or streams. Yellow flies normally stay away from open, sunny regions. 

These flies require thick foliage in their habitat to conceal amid it. Spanish moss is one of the most commonly inhabited plants by these pests 

The Behavior of Yellow Flies

Yellow flies are known for their itchy, stinging bites. Yellow flies, both male, and female get their energy from plant nectar and pollen. 

Females bite to receive a blood meal before laying eggs. They attack humans/animals and feed on their blood for this. Because blood is a high-protein source, it aids in the development of the egg. 

Yellow Flies Reproduction

Male and female adult flies are known to mate once they emerge from their larval condition. Females will begin to feed once they have passed through the larval stage. Blood is consumed by female yellow flies to aid in the formation of their eggs. 

After the adult flies have finished mating, the female will deposit the eggs on any surface that is above water. This could be rocks, leaves, or fissures. In general, female adults lay roughly 50 eggs, which hatch in 5 to 12 days. 

The larvae descend to the earth from the egg once it has hatched. These larvae will begin eating on decomposing leaves or organic debris found on the ground or in the water.

Yellow flies have a lifespan of around a year. It takes about a year for them to go from egg to larva to pupa to adult. This insect only survives for 30 to 60 days once the pupa’s body transforms into an adult.

Yellow Fly Bite

yellow fly bite

Female yellow flies bite, causing a painful welt that is large and itchy. If the bite is not kept clean and treated with a medical skin treatment, it may get infected. These bites are difficult to avoid since the insects move swiftly and attack any exposed flesh.

Yellow flies prefer to target humans around the head, neck, and shoulders. However, they can attack any exposed region of the body. Once a host is discovered, their determination to get a blood meal can drive 5 or 6 flies berserk. 

Yellow flies inject anticoagulant-containing saliva during blood feeding. Hence, certain persons who are very allergic to anticoagulant chemicals may experience life-threatening responses.

Yellow Fly Bite Treatment (Home Treatment)

For yellow flies, here’s a general-purpose sting relief.

  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1/3 cup of ammonia (Windex is mostly ammonia)
  • 1/3 teaspoon of papain (meat tenderizer)
  • 1 aspirin, crushed

Refrigerate after completely mixing (be sure to label the container). Shake well before using, then apply with a cotton swab and rub vigorously.

Vinegar wipe/bath: Apply a small amount of vinegar straight to the bite when you first notice it. If you have a lot of bites, you should soak them in a tub filled with hot water and 2 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar.

Other Treatments: Cortisone lotion, Witchazel, Preparation H with aloe. If applied to the bite right away, it helps alleviate itching and swelling.

How to Get Rid of Yellow Flies?

Certain insecticides have been proven to be effective against immature stages of yellow flies. However, the use of insecticidal control measures near their development locations is not suggested. 

The reason for this is that most of the immature stages of yellow flies are found around damp places. Hence, these wet areas may also be home to other aquatic plants and animals that may be harmed by insecticide use.

  1. Sticky Ball Trap

Flies in the ‘Tabanidae’ family, particularly yellow biting flies, are drawn to dark moving objects. Hence, a dark object can be used to kill them. You’ll need the following components to build a sticky black ball trap:

  • A strong string.
  • A medium-sized ball.
  • A piece of flypaper (commercial or homemade)
  • Stool
  • Tangle-trap is a sticky black material that is widely available in hardware stores.

Take the ball and apply a heavy coat of Tangle-Trap to it first. Tangle-Trap is a sticky substance that is usually found in hardware stores. It is in the form of a spray or liquid applicator.

Attach the dark-colored ball to the string. Tie the open end of the line to the bottom of the stool to construct the flytrap. Wrap the flypaper around the stool’s legs next. The stool should then be hung in the area where you have a yellow fly problem (preferably an open area).

The ball begins to swing in the air due to wind movement. The yellow flies will be attracted to the dark-colored ball’s swinging motion. They try to land on the trap as they get close to it, but they get trapped on the flypaper or the ball.

  1. Chemical Methods

Yellow flies are best controlled with chemicals like Permetherin, Carbaryl, and Malathion (Cythion). These products can be acquired locally and sprayed near the affected region.

However, spraying these pesticides may provide temporary relief from these files. This is due to the constant invasion of yellow flies from other surrounding places. Yellow flies are strong fliers. 

They are capable of flying 1-2 miles from their breeding site in pursuit of a blood meal. Thus using chemical ways to control them will only provide temporary relief.

  1. Vegetation Management

Yellow flies can also be controlled by vegetation management. Yellow flies despise sunny open environments. Therefore, removing shrubs or small trees from surrounding your home improves light levels. This makes the region less appealing to yellow flies.

  1. Protection

To defend yourself from yellow flies, the best thing you can do is avoid them. To do so, follow the guidelines below:

  • During the yellow fly season, stay away from any outdoor activities (May-June).
  • If you must attend any outdoor events during the yellow fly season, avoid going early in the morning or late in the evening. These are the times when yellow flies are most active. Stay away from shady locations such as the forest canopy and instead seek out open, sunny areas.
  • Wear physical barriers such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and head nets, if you need to work near yellow fly-infested areas.


Yellow flies are different kinds of yellow-bodied biting flies. These can be found all around the US. Yellow flies have an aquatic habitat. These flies prefer to congregate in shaded, wet locations, such as the borders of forests, rivers, or streams. 

Female yellow flies bite, causing a painful welt that is large and itchy. If the bite is not kept clean and treated with a medical skin treatment, it may get infected. Many people develop swelling and long-term pain after being bitten.

In local markets, you may get a variety of traps and repellents, (also DIY repellents) with enormous black sticky balls being one of the most effective. Yellow flies are attracted to the movement and dark shape of inflated black balls that have been coated with sticky glue and hung in the yard. They collide with the ball and get stuck and this is an effective way to trap and eliminate them. 

The easiest way to prevent yellow fly bites is to simply cover up. Wearing long sleeves, pants and closed-toe shoes can help limit exposure to flies.