Bluebottle Fly – A Dangerous Pest in Your Home

bluebottle fly


The summer season has endless and exciting perks—for instance, paddling pools, barbecues, and picnics. However, the warm weather brings along flies. 

You will often see the blue flies loitering around kitchen bins and trash cans or, at times, buzzing noisily attempting to get out of a locked window.

Pet feces and dead animals are a huge attraction to the blue flies. These flies are known for carrying and spreading diseases, and they can lay up to 180 eggs at a time.

They can readily spread diseases to people if they land on food or kitchen surfaces where food is prepared. Having them in your house is a bad idea, and you should find ways of getting rid of them.

The Nesting Habits of Green Bottle Flies and Blubottle Flies

bluebottle fly

The green bottle and blue bottle flies get attracted by a gross and nasty smell. After an animal dies, these insects will be the first to arrive and infest the rotting animal. 

You’re likely to encounter these flies on sunny and warm days, but rarely will you see them on cloudy or cold days. Light bulbs and light from windows attract these flies to your house.

Animals excrements (dogs), decomposing organic matter can be the source of these flies outside the house. While inside buildings, they can be attracted to the smell of dead birds, rodents, or other small animals.

Besides, these situations present a perfect place for the flies to lay their eggs. And within two to three days, the eggs will hatch into a green bottle or blue bottle fly maggots. 

It only takes the maggot three days to be fully grown. Dark places with high humidity like inside a bin, soil, or kitchen sink are ideal for hiding.

Dark places with high humidity provide a conducive environment for the larvae to pupate into cocoons. And after precisely two weeks, greenbottle or bluebottle flies are ready to cause problems. 

The Dangers of Bluebottle Fly Infestation

The attic and basement are conducive environments of infestation in your house. Additionally, garden compost bins and electric systems, among others, are possible sources for infestations.

In other words, an infestation can happen in any place where there is a possibility for organic matter or dead animals decomposing. 

Naturally, birds can die on your attic or roof, and poisoned rodents can die in your basement. Organic matter rotting in your trash can or compost bins is ideal for the flies to lay their eggs in.


Bluebottle flies and other bottle flies are known as “filthy flies” because they thrive and survive on the decomposing matter, including dead animals. 

Moreover, dead animals in chimneys and attics can cause the bluebottle flies larvae to fall, pupate and infest the house with the bottle flies. 

Maggots are their best friends, and you can easily find the bluebottle flies in decaying food or organic matter. 

Besides, blue flies are capable of laying their eggs in dead tissue and wounds. The bottle flies have caused blood poisoning in pets because of their eggs.

In addition, you can mistakenly eat contaminated food with bluebottle fly eggs. This is dangerous as you can contact myiasis since the larvae can develop inside and feed on your body tissues.   

You need to get rid of the blue flies as they pose a danger to you and your family.

Read more on the best methods to get rid of flies in and outdoors, following this link.

Transmission of Diseases

One of the deadliest features of bottle flies is their transmission of diseases. You will suddenly lose your appetite when you imagine the germs the flies carry. It is not only unhygienic but can you imagine yourself eating food that a fly has landed on?   

If you neglect personal hygiene and let the blue flies thrive in decomposing organic matter or food outside your house, you’re granting the blue flies a carte blanche to make you sick. 

Here are some of the diseases spread by the fly:

  • Anthrax
  • Staphylococcus
  • Dysentery
  • Tuberculosis
  • Typhoid

Identifying the Bluebottle Fly

Bluebottle fly is easy to identify because of the unique shiny metallic abs on the fly. It has a head, abdomen, and thorax; however, the abs stand out the most. 

Their heads are unique, too, with black antennae and huge red compound eyes. Additionally, their wings are characterized by light veins which are brownish. 

It also has a sturdy exoskeleton with hairs. And the hairs on their bodies, legs, and mouth are used for smell and taste.

The mature bluebottle fly is between 1/4 and 3/8 inches long. Except for its unusual blue color, it resembles a normal housefly.

How to Get Rid of Bluebottle Flies in Your Home

bluebottle fly

Bluebottle flies pose a dangerous and negative effect on your health if they’re in your home as they can lay eggs in your food. But is it possible to get rid of these bottle flies in your home?

First, ensure that you keep your home clean and tidy if you have expired food, clean up and dispose of the remainings, including your pets’ crumbs. 

You need to clean after your pet within 15 minutes and throw out their leftovers to ensure their remains don’t attract flies. 

You must do this because dogs are at risk of getting myiasis from eating contaminated food from bluebottle fly eggs.

Another crucial step is to make sure you take out your trash more regularly. It can present a breeding nest if you leave it to overflow. This is because these bottle flies eat off your garbage and reproduce. 

Besides, screen your windows and counter-check your doors to ensure they are properly locked to prevent these flies from coming in. Find a safer way to keep them out during summer.

And finally, contacting professionals to help you get rid of the pest infestation is your best bet if the bluebottle flies are already in your house.

Besides dealing with flies infestation, professional companies will take care of other insects like wood-eating insects. Moreover, they will tailor-make a specific method regarding the infestation at your home. 

Do not ignore the presence of these bluebottle flies, as they are a health hazard.

I hope you find these suggestions useful and do let me know if you have any further suggestions. And also, remember to share this article with your friends and family.